Monday, October 8, 2012

What to say?

Ok so as you all know, October is a hard month for us.  And for our parents, siblings, and extended families (including friends).  I don't really have any advice for you.  Well, I take that back.  This is the anniversary that I have been dreading the most.  As I've stated before, not talking about Dylan is what hurts.  I would talk about him ALL. THE. TIME. if people wouldn't have me committed.

If you are family or friends or ours, or someone else who has lost a child, please remember we are not expecting you to have the answers.  We don't expect you to know "why".  But please don't ignore us or treat us like we have a contagious disease. If you ask me about Dylan and I cry, THAT'S OK! I SWEAR! You might catch me at an emotional time, but I would rather you ask me how I'm doing (and sincerely, I'm NOT talking about the "how ya doing? with your foot halfway out the door) and me end up crying then you not asking at all. And come on, I cry anyways... It's good to let that out.  Family and friends shouldn't be afraid of a couple of tears! Be worried/afraid if I refuse to bathe or get out of bed, not if I cry.  And don't you worry, I promised Dylan that I would not do that and I have a stockpile of body wash thanks to my couponing skills and the great Collin at ;)

That goes for the rest of this family.  I know one of Dylan's grandmothers is really struggling right now, but who's to say the others aren't or that Dylan's grandfathers aren't.  Honestly? I think they are afraid to put that "burden" on us.  So I ask you to maybe reach out to them and ask them how they are doing.  Call them, just to tell them you love them and are thinking about them right now.  You have no idea what that small gesture can do. It's HUGE.

Please keep us and other families in mind when anniversary's come up.  It's important for us to know that our precious children are not forgotten and that their memories live on.

We will actually be flying to Orlando on the 17th and I was really nervous about being a complete wreck that day.  A friend of mine (that I met because of Dylan) told me that "at least you will spend the day, in the sky closer to Dylan and on your way to an amazing new adventure in your life"  And she is absolutely right.

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